What Makes Us Special? 

Every day our students begin their morning by reciting the Prayer of Generosity, a prayer that is used by Jesuit schools worldwide, along with the Five Jesuit Characteristics listed below, to remind us that we work hard not for the reward, but to give glory to God. Regardless of religious background, practice, or belief, every student that enrolls in Nativity School is instilled with the values outlined in this prayer.

Without Nativity I would have still gone to high school, and I would have gone to college, my mom would have made sure of that, but I would not have had the spirit, the moral compass, nor the community that I have today.
— Mervonce Osbourne, Class of 2005

Our Values

As told from our students, class of 2017…

Open to Growth

“When I am open to growth, I discover things I never knew I liked.”


“Love needs to be louder than hate.”


“I am inspired by God’s love”

Intellectually Competent

“I’m prepared, I listen, and I’m ready to learn.”

Committed to Social Justice

“Everyone should have the opportunity to succeed and be safe.”

Nativity sets a high bar for our students, faculty and staff.

We preach love, acceptance, hard work, determination, endurance, perseverance. Nativity School believes that every person deserves the opportunity to a safe environment to learn and grow.

At Nativity School, our goal is to close the achievement gap and break the cycle of poverty through education. We exclusively educate underserved children, grades 6-8, using a model that:

  • Levels the playing-field for low-income students. The majority of our students enter the sixth grade two to three grade levels behind in core subject areas: reading, writing and math. In the three years that they are at our school, on average, our students gain five grade levels.

  • Reduces high school dropout rates. Of our graduates: 97% are accepted to private college preparatory high schools; 93% earn diplomas in four years; and 88% go on to college.

  • Breaks the cycle of generational poverty through education. June of 2012 became a milestone for Nativity School as students from our first class of 20 children crossed the stage to become college graduates.

  • Emphasizes stability, respect for self and others, strength of character and personal responsibility. Nativity students learn appropriate problem-solving skills, empathy and how to self-advocate in a courteous manner.

The success of our model is a result of:

  • A 48-hour school week which offers a rigorous, standards-based curriculum.

  • A 14:1 student-teacher ratio which ensures that students receive individualized instruction.

  • An extended school day (mandatory study hall and a double period of Language Arts), Summer School, Counseling, Graduate Support, Athletics, and meal programs.

  • Year-round service learning to instill the importance of giving back to the community.

  • Enrichment activities such as a career-speaker series, arts and cultural events, outdoor school and field trips.

Community Support and Partnerships:

Now in our twenty second year, Nativity School has: more than 15 members on our Board of Trustees and over 150 volunteers. Nativity School partners with local college preparatory high schools as well as agencies such as Minds Matter, Friends of the Children and the Blanchet House in order to assist our students and graduates in the process of entering high school and college, earning diplomas and degrees, and finding service learning, internship and career opportunities.

The Cost:

Our annual budget is $2 million. The annual cost to educate a student at Nativity School is $20,000 which includes after school programming and summer school. Our annual operating budget is funded entirely by individual, corporate and foundation grants and donations.


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